传送门:进化/Portal: Revolution


《Portal: Revolution》的故事背景依旧发生在Aperture Science 科学研究组织废墟中,游戏拥有 40 多个谜题、全配音的原创角色,新元素包括激光方块、清洁凝胶的雨水,以及超过 15 个仅使用蓝色传送门枪的谜题。游戏时长视个人体验而定,约为5-7小时。

Portal: Revolution is a fan-made mod for Portal 2 which plays before the events of Portal 2 in the dead and decaying Aperture facility.

传送门:进化/Portal: Revolution第1张
Over 40 new puzzles
The campaign contains 40 brand new puzzles making use of new test elements and presents existing mechanics in a new way not seen in Portal 2.

  • Resurrected “Pneumatic Diversity Vent” element
  • New laser cube variant
  • Over 15 puzzles using only the blue Portal-Gun
  • Gel Cleansing Field

Portal: Revolutions puzzle difficulty starts where Portal 2 stops, but fear not. All new mechanics and advanced portal tricks are taught to you. We have ensured through rigorous playtesting that every player can solve the puzzles. Although very few chambers require portals to be fired mid-air, no puzzles require advanced tricky movement.

Depending on your experience with Portal 2 mechanics, you can expect about 5 to 8 hours of playtime.

传送门:进化/Portal: Revolution第2张
Set inbetween Portal and Portal 2, Portal: Revolution tells a brand new story using new characters. You play as a test subject who is awoken by a personality sphere called Stirling and join his mission to find a powerful device capable of restoring Aperture to its former glory.


Portal: Revolution uses a modified version of Portal 2: Community Edition’s engine, which is a custom version of the Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Source Engine branch using licensed source code provided by Valve Software.

This allowed us to introduce many mechanics and improvements to the engine to create an experience which would be impossible in Portal 2.





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